Though he may look like he was a lazy cat, this was no lazy cat. These are just a few of the rare times I could catch him standing or lying still. Less than three years old at his untimely passing, this cat demonstrated the typical "Kitten" behavior, plus:
If he wanted 'out' he would grab the doorknob with both paws and try to turn it.
If he wanted 'in', he would get in the window by the hummingbird feeders so you 'had ' to see him.
If he wanted attention, there was no denying him.
He liked to lick your fingers as a sign of affection, and he was always affectionate.
He was extremely talkative, constantly vocalizing to get what he wants.
We could go on, but it hurts too much… Suffice it to say that he was a great cat.
We have five other living cats and have had several others over many years.
"Harry" lived to a ripe-old-age of nineteen., healthy to the last minute… "K.C." almost made it to sixteen-years…healthy too...till the very end… "Dude" is still a kitten at twelve...and going strong… "Teddy" , who at the perfect age of about seven, is the prissiest cat we've ever seen. "Boots" , just as lazy has he can be at seven…but always ready for a campfire. "Sammy" , who is very elusive, but always ready for affection… ...for as long as you are willing to give it.
And Now… "Rocky" , who we haven't quite figured out yet.