Rocky the Cat

Meet Rocky...he chews everything he can get his teeth on...
...but he does not use his claws.
The newest addition to our family, he certainly keeps us busy.
He is the most energetic cat I've ever seen.

Harry | K.C. | Dude | Teddy | Boots | Sammy | Dugan | Rocky

Constantly running around and pursuing invisible prey,
Rocky is almost hyperactive, even for a kitten.
But when he is done, he crashes hard!
He slept in this position, without moving a muscle,
for over three hours after a hard day's "work".

Harry | K.C. | Dude | Teddy | Boots | Sammy | Dugan | Rocky

A most unusual color, Rocky matches our furniture and our carpet.  Sometimes, he completely disappears…
...until he jumps out of nowhere and grabs your ankles!

Harry | K.C. | Dude | Teddy | Boots | Sammy | Dugan | Rocky

Site by: © 2008 Kraig Bergeron